Today, ACCIS and 23 associations from multiple sectors issued a joint statement on the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The joint statement stresses the need for a paradigm shift in the current interpretation of the GDPR to revitalise the risk-based approach as the guiding principle of the regulation.

Echoing the European Commission’s conclusions in its second report on the application of the GDPR, we believe in the importance of enhancing the dialogue between regulators, including data protection authorities, and the industry. Focusing on the harmonisation of interpretation within the existing regime is crucial to achieving a better application of the risk-based approach, balancing data protection with the operational needs of businesses, and fostering innovation while ensuring legal compliance.

The statement coincides with the beginning of the new EU mandate, which will be marked by the implementation of the new ‘EU digital rulebook’. Against that backdrop, it will be fundamental to ensure a sustainable model for the use of data, balancing the right to data protection with other fundamental rights and public policy objectives, as conceived in the GDPR’s original spirit.